"Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling."
Monday, March 16, 2009
SUN!! Finally!!
It was such a beautiful, sunny day! We couldn't stand to be in the house any longer! The boys and I (and the dog) spent the afternoon at the park and had fun just being out in the sunshine. They are such hams!! :o) By the look on their faces, you can just tell they're up to something!
We are an active little family that loves being together and being with friends and family. We enjoy most everything, especially if it involves being outdoors! They say that as the only female in the house I'm supposed to be "pampered"...hmmmm...it's more like out numbered!
Looks like fun. I'm glad the sunshine is back. Now if it will only stay!
Such cute boys...I love the sun!!!
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